For people recovering from body sculpting procedures like Lipo 360, the road to perfect results includes more than just surgery. Integrating lymphatic drainage massage into your aftercare can support recovery and help you achieve the best outcomes. This gentle therapy provides benefits that medication and rest cannot achieve. Let’s explore how adding lymphatic massage facilitates healing and enhances body transformation. This blog post will outline the benefits of lymphatic massage, discuss the best timing for sessions, and give safety precautions for people recovering from Lipo 360.
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What Is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, rhythmic treatment that stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps remove waste and toxins from the body. A therapist uses light pressure and repetitive strokes to eliminate fluid from the target areas, reducing swelling and discomfort after surgery. This treatment is relaxing and pleasant.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps the body clear out damaged cells, waste, and fluids. It improves overall circulation and blood flow. When performed by a trained therapist, lymphatic drainage massage can aid in recovery after cosmetic procedures.

There are three main types of this treatment:

  • Manual lymphatic massage – A professional massage that gently manipulates the skin to encourage the natural drainage of lymph fluid.

  • Mechanical lymphatic drainage – Involves using a specialized machine that applies rhythmic pressure to the body.

  • Self-massage – A simplified version of lymphatic massage that individuals can learn to perform on themselves at home.

Benefits of Lymphatic Massage After Lipo 360

Reduces Swelling

Lymphatic massage after Lipo 360 helps reduce inflammation in the treated areas. Through gentle stimulation, a therapist moves fluids out of the tissues and reduces localized swelling. This can help alleviate pain, discomfort, and tension. As the swelling goes down, the results of Lipo 360 become more visible.

Improves Circulation

Massage improves blood and lymph flow in the regions treated with liposuction. Increased circulation brings oxygen and nutrients to the tissues to aid healing. It also flushes waste and supports immunity. Better blood flow can address common side effects of Lipo 360, such as bruising and pain. Overall, improved circulation makes recovery easier.

Softens Tissues

Lymphatic massage gently breaks up fibrous and scar tissue in the areas treated with liposuction, keeping the skin and connective tissues soft and supple. It also allows for better contouring and shaping of the body’s curves. Soft tissues move and flex better, encouraging more activity during the healing period.

Speeds Up Recovery

By reducing swelling and improving circulation, lymphatic massage helps patients recover more quickly after liposuction. They also experience less pain and discomfort. This is an important benefit because patients can save time and spend it more productively.

Enhances Results

Lymphatic massage helps achieve the best outcomes after Lipo 360. Tackling swelling and fibrosis allows the full results of liposuction to emerge earlier. Lymphatic massage also supports skin retraction by stimulating collagen production. Patients often find that their results exceed expectations when massage therapy is incorporated into their aftercare regimen.

How Many Massages After Lipo 360 Are Needed?

A lymphatic drainage massage typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Recovery after Lipo 360 may require shorter but more frequent sessions to achieve the best outcomes. Lymphatic massage therapists usually suggest starting with 30-minute treatments 3-5 times weekly for 4-6 weeks. To decide how many lymphatic massages are needed, they must examine the body and the symptoms caused by cosmetic surgery.

A professional therapist covers the targeted areas multiple times within a 30-minute session while avoiding overstimulating tissues. As the post-operative swelling subsides, the frequency of treatments can be reduced.


Most patients experience further improvements from 1-2 monthly maintenance sessions following the initial 4-6 weeks of massage. It is important to support healthy circulation and drainage of lymphatic fluid for some time after surgery.

When to Start Lymphatic Massages?

We recommend waiting at least 2 full weeks after Lipo 360 before beginning lymphatic drainage. Starting massage sessions too soon can aggravate inflammation and cause more harm than good. However, once initial bruising and pain have faded, lymphatic drainage may help reduce residual swelling and hardness.

Can I Do a Lymphatic Massage on Myself?

Many patients wonder if they can perform lymphatic drainage massage on themselves after undergoing Lipo 360. This is possible, but only after a consultation with a therapist. Patients should learn proper techniques to manipulate the skin in the treated area.

In general, lotions or oils are not needed during self-massage. If the skin is sticky, we recommend adding some talcum powder for smoother stimulation. Patients should be careful not to cause redness in the target areas.

A light self-massage can be beneficial because it is convenient and helps to relieve some symptoms. However, it is ideal to have it done by a professional massage therapist trained in special techniques to stimulate circulation.


Therapists use specific movements and pressures to manually encourage fluid drainage through the lymphatic system, which can help reduce swelling and discomfort. They also know how to avoid delicate areas after surgery. Doing a massage at home incorrectly may lead to tissue damage or bacterial spreading.


Overall, getting a professional lymphatic drainage a few times in the first couple of weeks after Lipo 360 is recommended for optimal results. Light self-massage can also aid the healing process. Be gentle with your skin, listen to your body, and use only the recommended techniques.

Risks of Not Getting Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction Surgery

Not receiving a lymphatic massage after a surgical procedure can lead to various complications and less-than-optimal results. Gentle massage helps stimulate lymph nodes and remove fluid from the treatment sites. Without proper drainage, the body may accumulate waste, leading to inflammation, fibrosis, longer healing times, contour irregularities, and asymmetry.


Massage also helps break up scar tissue and adhesions that can form after surgery. Lymphatic drainage helps the skin conform and adjust to the new body contours after fat removal. Skipping these important massages may compromise results, leading to more hardness, lumps, or shape distortions.

Integrating Lymphatic Drainage Massages With Other Recovery Methods

Drainage massages can be very helpful during the recovery process after Lipo 360. Regular sessions help stimulate lymph flow and support tissue regeneration. However, patients can achieve even better results by integrating these massages with other self-care activities.


Light walking, drinking plenty of water, wearing compression garments, and getting adequate rest are also essential. Combining lymphatic massages and these recovery methods will help your body heal faster by supporting circulation and drainage in the areas treated with liposuction.

Risks of Not Getting Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction Surgery

Not receiving a lymphatic massage after a surgical procedure can lead to various complications and less-than-optimal results. Gentle massage helps stimulate lymph nodes and remove fluid from the treatment sites. Without proper drainage, the body may accumulate waste, leading to inflammation, fibrosis, longer healing times, contour irregularities, and asymmetry.


Massage also helps break up scar tissue and adhesions that can form after surgery. Lymphatic drainage helps the skin conform and adjust to the new body contours after fat removal. Skipping these important massages may compromise results, leading to more hardness, lumps, or shape distortions.

When Should Lymphatic Massage Be Avoided?

  • Open wounds or unhealed incisions: Lymphatic massage can disrupt open wounds, increasing infection risk.

  • Blood clots (deep vein thrombosis): Stimulation of soft tissues may dislodge blood clots after surgery. Patients with a higher clotting risk need to avoid lymph drainage.

  • Severe swelling: A massage can aggravate this problem early in the healing process if inflammation is still extensive.

  • Extreme pain/discomfort: Lymph drainage may worsen discomfort levels if the patient experiences intense pain after surgery.

  • Fever: An elevated temperature can signal infection or inflammation, so massage should be avoided.


Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle technique that stimulates lymph flow to reduce swelling and facilitate healing after Lipo 360. When performed correctly by a trained therapist, it aids recovery, prevents discomfort, and enhances surgical results. Professional massage is ideal, but patients can also learn to do a simplified version of this treatment at home. When integrated into a self-care regimen with compression, hydration, rest, and light activity, it may speed up recovery and make it easier.

Patients can receive a professional lymphatic drainage massage by contacting our specialists at Exert BodySculpt. We will offer the best therapists to reduce swelling and facilitate smooth recovery after Lipo 360.

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