Our alternative penis enlargement surgery in Fort Myers, FL is a procedure aimed at enhancing the girth of the penis. This innovative approach offers individuals seeking girth enhancement a safe and effective solution with non-invasive surgery. Instead of traditional methods like injecting fat cells, XPRESS XL utilizes advanced dermal fillers to increase penile circumference, providing personalized results tailored to each individual’s needs and anatomy. At Exert BodySculpt, our highly skilled plastic surgeons specialize in XPRESS XL as our primary method for penis enlargement surgery Fort Myers, ensuring our patients achieve their desired results with reduced risks and a quicker healing duration compared to traditional surgical procedures. With XPRESS XL, patients can achieve their desired enhancements with reduced risks and a faster recovery time compared to traditional surgical approaches.
XPRESS XL primarily targets men seeking to enhance the width of their penis without altering its length. By carefully injecting advanced dermal fillers into the penile tissue, XPRESS XL provides a noticeable increase in girth, providing men with the desired enhancements in size and confidence while maintaining the natural appearance and functionality of the penis and avoiding the discomfort of the traditional male enhancement surgery.
XPRESS XL, as an alternative for penis surgery, stands out among other procedures like Testosterone Pellet Therapy and Platelet-rich plasma therapy, which leverages the body’s natural healing capabilities to enhance sexual performance and penile function by injecting a concentration of healing and growth factors from the patient’s blood back into the penile tissue; these blood-derived growth factors stimulate tissue regeneration and enhance blood flow. While these procedures may improve overall sexual health, they may not be helpful for men seeking penis enhancement, as they do not specifically target girth enhancement.
Our penis enhancement alternative treatment typically takes about 1 hour to complete, including time for numbing, with little or no downtime, allowing patients to begin their recovery soon afterward.
It’s common to experience some swelling or bruising at the site of the penis injection immediately after the treatment, but following the provided care instructions—such as applying ice to the area for 10 minutes at a time—can quickly alleviate these symptoms.
The costs of our alternative for penis enhancement surgery Fort Myers can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure required, the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon, facility charges, consultation fees, and post-operative care expenses. Typically, penis enlargement surgery alternative in Fort Myers is priced based on the number of syringes used, with three available sizes for penis enhancement. Prices range from $3,500 to $9,000, depending on the desired enhancement level.
It is essential to schedule a consultation with our expert surgeons to obtain a personalized estimate that reflects your specific desires and needs.
13730 Cypress Terrace Circle #401 Fort Myers, FL 33907
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