
Exert BodySculpt in Fort Myers offers gynecomastia surgery, a procedure that removes excess breast tissue in men. Our experienced surgeons achieve impressive results by contouring chests and making patients look more masculine. The final results are usually visible within 6 months as swelling resolves and scars fade. Our team uses innovative techniques and adheres to the highest safety standards. After gynecomastia surgery, patients feel more confident and enjoy a higher quality of life.

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What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess breast tissue in men. Enlarged breasts can be caused by hormonal imbalance, genetics, and other factors. During the surgery, our doctor removes excess glandular tissue, skin, and fat from the chest through incisions. Gynecomastia procedures typically take one to two hours to complete. Patients can go home the same day after surgery.

What Is Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia refers to enlarged male breasts caused by excess fat but without the growth of actual gland tissue. It gives the visual appearance of gynecomastia, but it is structurally different. Pseudogynecomastia is usually caused by being overweight, which leads to increased fat deposition in the chest area. This condition can also be addressed with gynecomastia surgery.

Preparation for
Gynecomastia Surgery

Preparation begins with an initial consultation with our provider. We will discuss the patient’s goals, medical history, and lifestyle to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. The surgeon will evaluate skin laxity and the amount of excess male breast tissue through a physical exam to select the most suitable technique. We will also explain what to expect before, during, and after the operation.
If cleared for surgery, patients may need to undergo certain lab tests to assess overall health. The doctor might also recommend adjusting their medications and supplements to prevent complications. Patients will be advised to stop smoking for at least a month before the operation. Nicotine consumption may increase surgical risks from anesthesia and make recovery more complex. Thus, it is better to avoid smoking for some time. Patients should not drink or eat anything the night before surgery. They must also have someone to assist them at home during the first two days after the operation.
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Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure


The surgeon makes small incisions along the border of the areola or in the armpit area. Through these openings, the doctor can access enlarged male breast tissue that needs to be removed. The location and length of the incisions may vary depending on the technique.
The surgeon makes small cuts to remove fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin from the breast area. The amount of eliminated tissue depends on the severity of the gynecomastia and the particular surgical technique.
In cases of pseudogynecomastia, the doctor performs liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue from the chest. We use power-assisted liposuction (PAL), which maximizes the safety and effectiveness of this procedure. It allows the doctor to remove excess fat without damaging surrounding nerves and blood vessels.
Once the target breast tissue has been eliminated, the surgeon closes the incisions using stitches and may place drains to prevent fluid buildup. Dressings and compression garments are applied to the chest area to facilitate healing. The procedure usually takes 1-3 hours.
Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure Banner

Recovery After Male Breast
Reduction Surgery

Immediate Recovery

Patients wake up from anesthesia wearing a compression garment or ace wrap around the chest. This helps minimize swelling and supports healing. Patients are monitored for a couple of hours before being released to go home. Activities are restricted at first to avoid straining the incision sites. Pain and discomfort are common but can be managed with prescription medication.
The compression garment remains in use to control swelling. Some drainage from the incisions may occur, which is normal. Bruising, swelling, numbness, and tightness around the chest improve during the first week. Patients must avoid lifting, straining, or other strenuous activities. Work can usually be resumed in 1-2 weeks.
Stitches dissolve or are removed after about 10-14 days. The swelling continues going down each week, and residual bruises fade. Numbness in the chest and nipple area slowly gets better as well. Normal activity can gradually resume after 2-4 weeks, but no heavy lifting is allowed for 2 months. Scars from the procedure continue maturing.
Most improvement is seen in the first month or two, but the final results take approximately half a year. The scars continue fading, although they do not disappear completely. After full recovery, the chest looks more masculine and fit.
Recovery After Male Breast Reduction Banner

Characteristics of Ideal Candidates
for Gynecomastia Surgery

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery Bannner

Benefits of
Gynecomastia Surgery

More than 25,000 gynecomastia surgeries were performed in the United States in 2023. This operation is growing in popularity because it provides many benefits for men with enlarged breast tissue. Here are the main advantages:

Improves appearance and restores a flatter, more contoured chest

Reduces pain, tenderness, or discomfort associated with enlarged breast tissue

Corrects asymmetry between breasts

Boosts self-confidence and self-image

Makes clothing fit better

Provides long-lasting results

Minimally invasive techniques with short recovery times

Covered by insurance in some cases

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Fort Myers, FL

The cost of gynecomastia surgery in Fort Myers ranges from $3,000 to $8,000. This price covers the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, operating room, and other expenses. The cost also depends on the extent of the condition, the techniques used, and the doctor’s experience.

Patients with mild gynecomastia who undergo a relatively straightforward surgery can expect to pay between $3,000 and $5,000. More complex cases that require extra liposuction may cost from $5,000 to $8,000.
Patients should check with their health insurance provider as cosmetic surgery is usually not covered, but they may be eligible for reimbursement if gynecomastia causes pain or functional problems.

What Makes Our Gynecomastia Surgery Different From Others?

Exert BodySculpt has a team of top-notch plastic and cosmetic surgeons who can perform a perfect gynecomastia operation. We continually study the latest techniques to provide the best care and results. Our team excels at understanding patients’ goals and developing customized treatment plans. With a compassionate approach and meticulous surgical skills, we can transform men’s bodies and make them look more masculine and fit.
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